EPIC Course Book
Grade Grade 3
Level Pre-Foundation Stage 2 | (CEFR Pre-A1)
Danacode 751-1068
Programs EPIC
  • Description

    EPIC Student’s Course Book is a comprehensive, story-based, emergent reader program. EPIC is organized around topics which are of interest and relevance to young learners. The program develops oral communication skills by providing a strong lexical base, and emergent literacy, reading and writing skills. This is followed by systematic teaching and practice of decoding skills, based on familiar contextualized vocabulary. Finally, the program continues to develop beginning reading comprehension through short sentences, texts, and short stories.

    The program begins with an aural/oral foundation, comprising of Getting Ready and Unit 1. Following this stage are four core units, each featuring two stories. Each of these units is further divided into nine parts.

    This course book includes:


    • A variety of activities and techniques that cater to learners’ individual learning styles and interests. These include: singing, storytelling, games, acting, arts and crafts, and movement
    • Extensive listening and speaking practice to encourage the active use of spoken language in the classroom
    • Phonological representation and phonological awareness activities as well as, grapheme phoneme correspondence, decoding, encoding and writing tasks, that will gradually guide learners to become fluent readers
    • Extensive practice of vocabulary and lexical chunks
    • Free audio exercises in English Adventure’s Student’s Zone
    • Five performance-based tasks, designed to provide an alternative form of assessment and measure learners’ productive language skills

    All activities include written instructions and are further elaborated along with a full lesson plan in the program’s Teacher’s Guide.

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