1.6 Good Morning Dear Pupils

1.8 If you’re a Boy/Girl Chant

1.9 Classroom Management Song

1.12 Goodbye Dear Pupils

1.13 & 2.2 Good Morning and How Do You Do?

1.14 How Do You Do, Everybody?

1.32 Point to the Window

1.31 Good Morning, Max

1.37 & 2.1 Good Morning School

1.39 Preposition Chant

1.42 ABC Song

1.43 Cat in the Classroom

2.10 Everybody Loves Saturday Night

2.11 Zoo Song

2.12 Old MacDonald

2.17 Fish Chant

2.19 B-I-N-G-O

2.21 I Like to Eat

2.22 Funny Max

2.23 I Love Cookies, Cake and Ice Cream

2.24 Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

2.25 He Loves to Eat

2.26 The Fuzzy Catterpillar

2.27 I Am a Pizza

2.8 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

2.38 Take Away and Add

2.46 Children, Children, What Do You See?

2.47 Max Is in the Taxi

2.48 Under My Umbrella

2.51 Quiet, Please

2.52 I Know All the Letters of the ABC

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

More Spaghetti, I Say!

2.50 Where Is the King?